The summer is coming to a close. We decided to go camping last weekend spur of the moment since there won't be many more good weekends to go for a while. The weather was nice and although it was a bit cooler than last time it was still warm. We went on two longer 4-wheeler rides and grandma was even able to go along on one. She had a good time and is glad that she went.
Morgan and I made a project of decorating the cement with sidewalk chalk. We were going to try and fill an entire section with random drawings. We didn't finish it but what we did get done looked neat.
School starts on August 24. I'm excited to start my Senior year but I have really enjoyed not worrying about studying and tests. I am still in the process of applying to vet school and still unsure of where to apply. Colorado State, Washington State, and Oregon State are definite possibilities and I am also considering University of Florida, University of Minnesota, and Western University in California.
Also, I got 2 new pet frogs and 1 snail. Fred and George are the frogs' names. The tank is is called a Frog-O-Sphere and it is a self contained ecosystem that you only have to clean twice a year. The plant provides oxygen and the snail cleans up the tank. You only feed the frogs twice a week. They are pretty cool and fun to watch.
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