A few weekends ago, on July 23rd, I hike to the peak of Mt. Timpanogas with my dad and Morgan and a few of my dads' scouts. It was a beautiful hike, as you can see from the pictures. The hike was 12 miles round trip and took us almost 12 hours to complete. We had a lot of fun and we were all exhausted by the end. It was so cool to stand on the top of that mountain, the second highest on the Wasatch front, and be able to see the cities on both sides of us. Provo and American fork on one side and Heber and Park City on the other. Rather than hike down the same way we came up, we opted to slide down a glacier to cut out some time. It was a neat experience! I was terrified but I was all for cutting out some of the hiking down steep switch backs. We slid down a narrow chute of snow and went as far as we could go, which was pretty far. It was freezing wearing nothing but thin shorts and a lite jacket! It was worth it though because it did save us time and it was kind of fun.