Thursday, August 28, 2008

The First Week

Despite missing the bus, getting locked out of my bedroom, and blisters on my feet from walking all over in flip flops (bad idea), my first week of school has been pretty good so far. All of my classes seem like they will be manageable. I don't have a favorite class yet but I think that I will actually enjoy some of my classes this semester. I am certainly glad for a break from chemistry this semester!

Today I went to Cafe Rio with my room mates and afterwards we went to a Cake Party someone was throwing in our building. It was pretty fun and there were a bunch of delicious cakes to eat. This weekend I'm heading home for the long labor day weekend!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to School

Tomorrow is the first day of my third year in college. Summer went by too fast. I'm a little nervous but not to bad. I'm going to be taking Physics, Creative Arts, a literature class, and a few animal classes. Oh, and institute too! I've finally met all five of my new roommates and they all seem really nice. We went to church together today and that was good. I hope it will be a good year all around with good roommates and good classes.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


This week I've enjoyed watching the 2008 Olympic games. I love to watch gymnastics and the US has done pretty good in this event so far. I only wish it wasn't on so late at night! Swimming has also been cool to watch. It's been neat to watch Michael Phelps beating world records and taking gold medal after gold medal! Other than watching the Olympics it has been a pretty uneventful week. School begins again a week from Monday.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I Finished It!

I just barely finished "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer. It's been nearly three days of constant reading but it was a good book. Morgan has yet to finish it and my mom is anxious to read it when she returns from girls' camp.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mama Mia!

Today my grandma took my mom, Morgan, and I to see Mama Mia. It was grandma's second time because she loves the music in the show. She's even bought the cd from the movie. It was actually a pretty cute movie and the music was good. It was a fun afternoon with grandma.